Riku Louhimo

I am a Lead Data Scientist and Researcher currently working as the senior advisor for AI and data at Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company.

My professional interests include AI strategy, product development process in data science, data integration and mining, data-analysis and processing automation, data visualization as well as clear and efficient data reporting. I consider myself a part-time cancer researcher with an interest in genomic characterization of tumors.

From 2015 to 2020 I was working as the Product Manager for large-scale data at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH).

Before joining FIOH, I compeleted a Bioinformatics PhD at Sampsa Hautaniemi’s lab (University of Helsinki) and did a brief stint in Florian Markowetz’s group (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge). I got my PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2015. I also am a co-founder and data-analysis consultant for the now defunct Significo Research Ltd which provided data science and analytics services for public and private medical and life-science sectors.



My full list of publications you can find from Google Scholar.

Latest publications:


I am also an active user and contributor to the finest pipeline engine known to mankind, Anduril (website, Wikipedia).

Scientific software (mostly no longer maintained):


Riku Louhimo,
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Helsinki, Finland

Työelämätieto (Work-life Knowledge Service)
PGP public key (Fingerprint: ABB4 0331 F3F9 890D 5909 89E4 B761 61EC 080B 21F0)

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Last updated: Nov 29, 2024.
Copyright Riku Louhimo.
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